
    Navigating the Future of Fall Prevention: LINDERA’s Journey at the EU Fall Fest 2024

    by Diana Heinrichs

    Participating in the EU Fall Fest 2024 in Malta this past April marked a significant milestone for LINDERA in the global initiative against falls in the elderly. Our involvement was particularly honored by the invitation from the authors of the WHO fall prevention guidelines. This prestigious event gathered global experts from various corners of the world—ranging from Australia to Amsterdam, including renowned figures like Prof. Dr. Clemens Becker of the Robert Bosch Krankenhaus und Gesellschaft für Medizinische Forschung and Prof. Lorenzo Chiari of the University of Bologna. Together, we delved into the multifaceted challenges and solutions in the realm of fall prevention, with a keen focus on the integration of AI-driven technologies.

    WHO Experts on fall prevention.
    Room full of experts on fall prevention.

    LINDERA’s Role at the Fest

    Our commitment at LINDERA to innovate healthcare through technology was fully displayed at the fest. I presented how our AI-driven Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), the LINDERA Mobility Analysis per App, not only aids in fall prevention but also paves the way for integration into health reimbursement systems—a crucial step for widespread adoption and sustainability.

    Navigating the Reimbursement Maze

    The journey to reimbursement is pivotal for healthcare innovations. During my presentation, I outlined the essential steps from market entry as a European medical device manufacturer to achieving systemic adoption:

    • Evidence Gathering: Robust data collection to substantiate the effectiveness of our solutions.
    • Engaging Stakeholders: Building relationships with key players in the healthcare ecosystem, from policymakers to insurers.
    • Market Adoption: Ensuring that the healthcare community embraces our technology based on its proven benefits and user-centric design.
    • Scalable Solutions: Focusing on creating accessible and economically viable products to facilitate widespread use and transform care practices.

    Seniors: Pioneers of Wellness Technology

    A highlight of the conference was the enthusiastic response to how LINDERA’s AI, originally developed to learn from seniors, has been extended into yoga apps for athletes. This illustrates the pivotal role of seniors in shaping health and wellness technologies, sparking considerable interest among the attending geriatric experts.

    Addressing Technological and Regulatory Challenges

    Discussions with Lorenzo Chiari brought to the forefront the challenges associated with the EU AI Act, particularly regarding the precision of gait parameters in predicting falls. Our commitment to overcoming these challenges emphasizes our dedication to leadership in digital prevention and advancing health technology.

    Saying good by to Malta – ready for Manchester in 2026?

    The EU Fall Fest 2024 served as a crucial platform for collaboration and innovation. For LINDERA, it was an opportunity to underscore our dedication to enhancing geriatric care through technology. We left the event more committed than ever to drive adoption and ensure our innovations make a significant positive impact.

    Lindera. ACCEPT NO LIMITS.

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