Unsere Publikationen

Wir entwickeln unserer digitalen Lösungen kontinuierlich weiter. Dafür arbeiten wir eng mit wissenschaftlichen Partnern zusammen und führen fortlaufend Studien durch. Die Ergebnisse veröffentlichen wir in Peer-Reviewed Journals.


Unsere wissenschaftlichen Partner

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Universität Heidelberg
Fraunhofer IIS
Uniklinikum Erlangen
Johannes Westling Klinikum Minden

Scientific Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Publications by Company Researchers

  • Motamedi, S., Pommer, & W., Baumgart, A. (2025). App-Based Fall Risk Assessment in Elderly Ambulatory Care: Distinguishing Fallers from Non-Fallers in a Retrospective Case-Control Study. In Preparation.

  • Alves, S., Teme, S., & Motamedi, S. (2025). Fewer Falls and Hospitalizations: Evaluating the Role of App-Based Fall Risk Analysis and Prevention in Elderly Care. Under Review. 

  • Alves, S., Teme, S., Motamedi, S., Kura, M., Weber, S., Zeichen, J., Pommer, W., Baumgart, A. (2024). Evaluating the prognostic and clinical validity of the Fall Risk Score derived from an AI-based mHealth application for fall prevention: a retrospective real-world data analysis. JMIR Aging 2024;7:e55681. https://aging.jmir.org/2024/1/e55681

  • Azhand, A., Rabe, S., Müller, S., Sattler, I., & Heimann-Steinert, A. (2021). Algorithm based on one monocular video delivers highly valid and reliable gait parameters. Scientific reports, 11(1), 14065. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-93530-z 

  • Rabe, S., Azhand, A., Pommer, W., Müller, S., & Steinert, A. (2020). Descriptive Evaluation and Accuracy of a Mobile App to Assess Fall Risk in Seniors: Retrospective Case-Control Study. JMIR aging, 3(1), e16131. https://doi.org/10.2196/16131 

Publications by External Researchers

  • Raeder, K., Strutz, N., Kuntz, S., Müller-Werdan, U., & Lahmann, N. A. (2025). Using 3D Skeleton Tracking for Gait Analysis in Older Adults Compared to a Kinect®-Based Mobility Analysis System. Under Review.

  • Müller, S. & Zerth, J. (2024). LINDERA DiPA – Multicenter, controlled, prospective, single-arm, intra-individual study to stabilize or improve the risk of falls, measured by the LINDERA mobility analysis app in outpatient care. Under Review.

  • Strutz, N., Brodowski, H., Kiselev, J., Heimann-Steinert, A., & Müller-Werdan, U. (2022). App-Based Evaluation of Older People's Fall Risk Using the mHealth App Lindera Mobility Analysis: Exploratory Study. JMIR aging, 5(3), e36872. https://doi.org/10.2196/36872  

  • Stamm, O., & Heimann-Steinert, A. (2020). Accuracy of Monocular Two-Dimensional Pose Estimation Compared Witha Reference Standard for Kinematic Multiview Analysis: Validation Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(12), e19608. https://doi.org/10.2196/19608

Conference Posters and Presentations

  • Alves, S., Temme, S., Motamedi, S., Kura, M., Weber, S., Zeichen, J., Pommer, W., & Baumgart, A. (2025). Mit KI Stürze in der Pflege verlässlich vorhersehen: Das erste Ampel-System – 100% mit Real-World-Daten. Clusterkonferenz 2025: Zukunft der Pflege, conference presentation, March 2025.

  • Alves, S., Kura, M., Paolino, C., Heinrichs, D., Zerth, J., Müller, S. (2024). Efficacy of mHealth Tools in a Multifactorial Approach to Fall Prevention Among Elderly Care Patients: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. EU Falls Fest 2024, conference poster, April 2024. 

  • Alves, S., Kura, M., Zerth, J., Müller, S. (2023). When do (cluster-)randomized studies hit the mark, and when do they miss it? Intervention studies with mHealth in residential long-term care. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung Berlin 2023, conference poster & presentation, October 2023. 

  • Dahms, R., Vorwerg-Gall, S., Heeger, S., Ettrich, M., Heimann-Steinert, A. (2023). AI-based digital healthcare application to manage fall risks in residents of nursing homes in Germany: clinical and resident-reported outcomes. The International Conference on Digital Health and Telemedicine 2023, conference presentation, October 2023.

Unsere Clinical R&D Expertise