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LINDERA Mobilitätsanalyse per App

Klinische Referenzen der LINDERA Mobilitätsanalyse App

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 30.08.2024

Hinweis auf Interessenkonflikte in Veröffentlichungen, an denen wir mitgewirkt haben:

Azhand A, Rabe S, Müller S. Algorithm based on one monocular video delivers highly valid and reliable gait parameters. Sci Rep. 2021;11:14065.

Rabe S, Azhand A, Pommer W, Müller S, Steinert A. Descriptive Evaluation and Accuracy of a Mobile App to Assess Fall Risk in Seniors: Retrospective Case-Control Study. JMIR aging. 2020;3(1):16131.

Referenzen von Studien, die wir durchgeführt, veröffentlicht oder in denen wir erwähnt wurden:

Azhand A, Rabe S, Müller S. Algorithm based on one monocular video delivers highly valid and reliable gait parameters. Sci Rep. 2021;11:14065.

Rabe S, Azhand A, Pommer W, Müller S, Steinert A. Descriptive Evaluation and Accuracy of a Mobile App to Assess Fall Risk in Seniors: Retrospective Case-Control Study. JMIR aging. 2020;3(1):16131.

Stamm O, Heimann-Steinert A. Accuracy of Monocular Two-Dimensional Pose Estimation Compared With a Reference Standard for Kinematic Multiview Analysis: Validation Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020;8(12).

Steinert A, Sattler I, Otte K, Röhling H, Mansow-Model S, Müller-Werdan U. Using new Camera-Based Technologies for Gait Analysis in Older Adults in Comparison to the Established GAITRite System. Sensors. 2019;20(1).

Strutz N, Brodowski H, Kiselev J, Heimann-Steinert A, Müller-Werdan U. App-Based Evaluation of Older People’s Fall Risk Using the mHealth App Lindera Mobility Analysis: Exploratory Study. JMIR aging. 2022;5(3):36872.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Guideline. NICE Clinical Guideline. 2018;1–31.

Bei der Entwicklung unserer Fragebögen verwendete Referenzen:

Balzer K, Bremer M, Schramm S, Lühmann D, Raspe H. Falls prevention for the elderly. GMS health technology assessment. 2012;8:01.

Becker C, Loy S, Sander S, Nikolaus T, Rißmann U, Kron M. An algorithm to screen long-term care residents at risk for accidental falls. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 2005;17(3):186–92.

Cockrell J, Folstein M. Mini-mental state examination. In: Principles and practice of geriatric psychiatry [Internet]. 2002. p. 140–1. Available from: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Deandrea S, Lucenteforte E, Bravi F, Foschi R, Vecchia C, Negri E. Risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiology (Cambridge. 2010;21(5):658–68.

Deandrea S, Bravi F, Turati F, Lucenteforte E,La Vecchia C, Negri E. Risk factors for falls in older people in nursing homes and hospitals. A systematic review and meta-analysis, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2013.

Denkinger MD, Lukas A, Nikolaus T, Hauer K. Factors Associated with Fear of Falling and Associated Activity Restriction in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2015;23(1):72–86.

Dolatabadi E, Van Ooteghem K, Taati B, Iaboni A; Quantitative Mobility Assessment for Fall Risk Prediction in Dementia: A Systematic Review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. August 2018; 45 (5-6): 353–367

Downton JH. Falls in the Elderly. Vol. 1993. London, UK: Edward Arnold; 128–130 p.

Expertenstandard Sturzprophylaxe in der Pflege, 1. Aktualisierung. 2013;

Expertenstandard Sturzprophylaxe in der Pflege. 2. Aktualisierung. 2022;

Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B., Jr. A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains. Journal of Research in Personality. 2003. 37(6), 504–528

Hendrich A, Bender P, Nyhuis A. Validation of the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model: a large concurrent case/control study of hospitalized patients. Applied Nursing Research. 2003;16(1):9–21.

Oliver D, Britton M, Seed P, Martin FC, Hopper AH. Development and evaluation of evidence based risk assessment tool (STRATIFY) to predict which elderly inpatients will fall: case-control and cohort studies. BMJ (Clinical research ed. 1997;315(7115):1049–53.

Peeters, G., Cooper, R., Tooth, L. et al. A comprehensive assessment of risk factors for falls in middle-aged adults: co-ordinated analyses of cohort studies in four countries. Osteoporos Int. 2019. 30, 2099–2117

Pfortmueller CA, Lindner G, Exadaktylos AK. Reducing fall risk in the elderly: risk factors and fall prevention, a systematic review. Minerva medica. 2014;105(4):275-281 24867188.

Ozer DJ, Benet-Martinez V. Personality and the prediction of consequential outcomes. Annu Rev Psychol. 2006;57:401-421.

Roberts BW, Kuncel NR, Shiner R, Caspi A, Goldberg LR. The power of personality: The comparative validity of personality traits, socioeconomic status, and cognitive ability for predicting important life outcomes. Perspectives on Psychological science. 2(4):313-345,2007.

Stubbs B, Binnekade T, Eggermont L, Sepehry A, Patchay S, Schofield P. Pain and the risk for falls in community-dwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2014;95(1):175–87.

Zeeh J, Masuch M. Geriatrie: Bewahren sie ihre patienten vor stürzen! MMW-Fortschritte Der Medizin. 2013;155(10):50–4. 

Referenzen, auf die wir unsere Gangparameter stützen:

Tinetti ME. Performance-oriented assessment of mobility problems in elderly patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1986;34(2):119–26.

Lai DT, Taylor SB, Begg RK. Prediction of foot clearance parameters as a precursor to forecasting the risk of tripping and falling. Human movement science. 2012;31(2):271–83.

Hollman JH, McDade EM, Petersen RC. Normative spatiotemporal gait parameters in older adults. Gait & posture. 2011;34(1):111–8.

Hamacher D, Hamacher D, Schega L. Towards the importance of minimum toe clearance in level ground walking in a healthy elderly population. Gait & posture. 2014;40(4):727–9. 

Yogev G, Plotnik M, Peretz C, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM. Gait asymmetry in patients with Parkinson’s disease and elderly fallers: when does the bilateral coordination of gait require attention? Experimental brain research. 2007;177(3):336–46.

Da Costa PT, McCrae RR, R R. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PIR) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Ressources; 1992.

Park SH. Tools for assessing fall risk in the elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging clinical and experimental research. 2018;30(1):1–16.

Oliver D, Britton M, Seed P, Martin FC, Hopper AH. Development and evaluation of evidence based risk assessment tool (STRATIFY) to predict which elderly inpatients will fall: case-control and cohort studies. BMJ (Clinical research ed. 1997;315(7115):1049–53.

Lee MM, Song CH, Lee KJ, Jung SW, Shin DC, Shin SH. Concurrent Validity and Test-retest Reliability of the OPTOGait Photoelectric Cell System for the Assessment of Spatio-temporal Parameters of the Gait of Young Adults. Journal of physical therapy science. 2014;26(1):81–5.

Studenski S, Perera S, Wallace D, Chandler JM, Duncan PW, Rooney E, et al. Physical Performance Measures in the Clinical Setting. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2003;51:314–22.

Cheung F, Lucas RE. Assessing the validity of single-item life satisfaction measures: results from three large samples. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment. care and rehabilitation. 2014;23(10):2809–18.

Herssens N, Verbecque E, Hallemans A, Vereeck L, Rompaey V, Saeys W. Do spatiotemporal parameters and gait variability differ across the lifespan of healthy adults? A systematic review. Gait & posture. 2018;64:181–90.

Tetyana P. Resident- and Facility-Level Predictors of Quality of Life in Long-Term Care. The Gerontologist. 2015;55(4):643-655,.

Yogev G, Plotnik M, Peretz C, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM. Gait asymmetry in patients with Parkinson’s disease and elderly fallers: when does the bilateral coordination of gait require attention? Experimental brain research. 2007;177(3):336–46.

Referenzen, die bei der Entwicklung unserer Empfehlungsdatenbank und anderer Bestandteile des Produkts verwendet wurden

Abdulla A, Adams N, Bone M, Elliott AM, Gaffin J, Jones D, et al. Guidance on the management of pain in older people. Age and Ageing. 2013;42 Suppl 1.

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Alagiakrishnan K, Mereu L. Approach to managing hypoglycemia in elderly patients with diabetes. Postgraduate Medicine. 2010;122(3):129–37.

Ambrose KR, Golightly YM. Physical exercise as non-pharmacological treatment of chronic pain: Why and when. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology. 2015;29(1):120–30.

Anggraini SS, Nur SA, Morika HD, Sari Dewi RI. The influence of rosella flower tea on blood pressure reduction in hypertension patients. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2020;7(12):4777.

Armstrong C, Swarbrick CM, Pye SR, O’Neill TW. Occurrence and risk factors for falls in rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2005;64(11):1602–4.

Arnold AC, Raj SR. Orthostatic Hypotension: A Practical Approach to Investigation and Management. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2017;33(12):1725–8.

Arnold CM, Faulkner RA. The effect of aquatic exercise and education on lowering fall risk in older adults with hip osteoarthritis. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. 2010;18(3):245–60.

Ashburn A, Fazakarley L, Ballinger C, Pickering R, McLellan LD, Fitton C. A randomised controlled trial of a home based exercise programme to reduce the risk of falling among people with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 2007;78(7):678–84.

Asplund R. Nocturia in relation to sleep, health, and medical treatment in the elderly. BJU International. 2005;96(SUPPL. 1):15–21.

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Azhand A, Rabe S, Müller S. Algorithm based on one monocular video delivers highly valid and reliable gait parameters. Sci Rep. 2021;11:14065.

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Cameron MH, Lord S. Postural control in multiple sclerosis: implications for fall prevention. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 2010;10(5):407–12.

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Hatton AL, Rome K. Falls, Footwear, and Podiatric Interventions in Older Adults. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2019;35(2):161–71.

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Hendrich A, Bender P, Nyhuis A. Validation of the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model: a large concurrent case/control study of hospitalized patients. Applied Nursing Research. 2003;16(1):9–21.

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